One of the tricks I share in my book Vibrant is a key to glowing skin, vibrant energy, and super heart health: the Triple Oil Treatment. This is one of my anti-aging secrets, and it’s simple:
- Eat fatty fish like salmon at least twice a week for the EPA/DHA, and take EPA/DHA supplements to boost the effect.
- Use extra virgin olive oil and walnuts on salads and in cooking instead of other types of fat.
- Use coconut oil topically to keep skin supple and youthful.
The reason I have chosen this three-pronged strategy for using fat to increase energy and glow as well as to help prevent chronic diseases is based in research. There are many studies demonstrating the health benefits of 1) omega-3 fatty acids (fish and fish oil), 2) monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil), and 3) topical saturated fat (coconut oil).
I’ve also learned from experience that these healthful oils really do improve the way people feel and also how they look. Let’s take a closer look at what each part of the Triple Oil Treatment can do for you:

Triple Oil Treatment Part One: Seafood and Supplements
When it comes to picking favorites, I will always choose EPA and DHA as my favorite fatty acids. We know that people who eat more fatty fish have healthier hearts, but recent research has demonstrated that EPA/DHA supplements also offer cardio-protection. We also know that EPA/DHA can relieve arthritis pain, decrease the risk of macular degeneration, and lower dangerous triglycerides. They are also great for brain health. Specifically, studies have shown that EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) has a beneficial effect on mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) has demonstrated beneficial effects on neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
To get the most out of the benefits of EPA/DHA, eat fatty fish at least twice a week. Good choices include salmon, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. Also, take a fish oil supplement (krill oil and algae oil are alternatives) that is guaranteed mercury-free. I recommending starting with 1000 mg per day.
Triple Oil Treatment Part Two: Olive Oil and Walnuts
You may already know there is a lot of good science on the many health benefits of olive oil as well as monounsaturated-fat-rich walnuts. These sources of monounsaturated fatty acids have been shown to have significant heart health benefits with a favorable effect on cholesterol, as well as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Monounsaturated fats may be one of the primary reasons why the Mediterranean diet—the most well-studied and health-beneficial diet currently known to us—is so effective for chronic disease prevention. The Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil as well as nuts. Couple this with the high intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, seafood, lean protein, and whole foods (skip the processed food!) that characterize this way of eating, and you’ve got the closest thing we’ve got to a perfect diet.
Saturated Fat: Coconut Oil
Although I don’t recommend eating a lot of coconut oil due to the saturated fat content, there is research to support the topical use of coconut oil for its anti-inflammatory benefits and its skin-protective effects, as it improves the skin’s barrier function. I like it for its glow-inducing effects and the way it plumps and locks in hydration to reduce the look fine lines and wrinkles. It’s also great for dry elbows and knees, as well as lips and (ahem) those lady parts that can lack moisture later in life. A few people are allergic to topical coconut oil, so try a little bit first to see how your skin responds, but many people claim it’s their favorite skincare product.
You might be wondering about the claim that coconut oil is good for your brain. It’s true that the medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) fats in coconut oil have shown some benefit for people who already have Alzheimer’s disease. The mechanism for this is thought to be the influence of the MCTs. This type of fat can make it easier for the body to switch from glucose-burning to fat-burning (or more precisely, ketone-body-burning). There is a theory that people who develop dementia have brains that are not able to fully use glucose for fuel, and that fat burning can make up for this deficit.
However, research shows that people who consume a lot of coconut oil tend to have much higher LDL (“bad”) cholesterol than people who consume the same amount of fat in unsaturated form. You can get the same ketosis effect with intermittent fasting or on a fat-rich diet consisting of unsaturated fats like those in olive oil, avocados, and nuts and seeds. In my opinion, the potential negative impact on heart health from consuming too much coconut oil isn’t worth the shortcut to ketosis, especially for people with a family or personal history of heart disease.
There you have it: my Triple Oil Treatment. I hope you’ll give it a try, and see if it makes a difference in how you feel and look. I swear by it, and I hope it can make you feel more vibrant, too.