Dr. Stacie J. Stephenson is a passionate philanthropist, committed to funding high impact organizations in the areas of children’s health and wellness, poverty, and education. Driving positive change via the VibrantDoc platform, on a global scale is just part of Dr. Stacie J. Stephenson’s mission. Dr. Stacie J. Stephenson also focuses on grass roots advocacy, supporting local and regional causes in Illinois, Arizona, Michigan, and the US Virgin Islands, and beyond.
Michael Stroka,
Chief Executive Officer of the ANA,

“We are honored and thrilled that Dr. Stephenson has joined our leadership,” said Michael Stroka, JD, MS, CNS, LDN, Chief Executive Officer of the ANA. “She brings her deep reservoir of wisdom, passion, and creative energy to our team, and we are excited to work alongside her to propel the ANA mission forward.”
Debra Wilson
Executive Director of the American Heart Association

“We are thrilled to have the Vibrant Doc join us in our mission,” said Debra Wilson, Executive Director of the American Heart Association Greater Phoenix Division. “Founder and CEO Dr. Stacie J. Stephenson is a dedicated supporter of the American Heart Association and she is passionate about heart health. We’re excited to collaborate with Dr. Stephenson in our work to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.”
Michael Burton
President and CEO at Gateway for Cancer Research

“We are and will always be grateful to Dr Stacie for her guidance, good counsel and leadership at Gateway for Cancer Research. When it comes to Gateways mission, she is all in and inspires us to do the very best work that we can, on behalf of the patients we serve.”
Cures Gala 2019
CS Magazine 2019
Stacie J, Stephenson is somewhat of an anomaly. As a licensed medical doctor, she has just spent 15 years developing clinical practices throughout the Midwest, specializing in integrative medicine – yet somehow she finds time to be the ever active socialite…
AZ Health: CUPID Takes Aim
AZ Foothills, 2020
For nearly three decades, Gateway for Cancer Research has been funding promising, early-phase clinical cancer trials at some of the world’s most renowned institutions. Coincidentally, it’s been more than…
AZ Giving, Vino con Stelle
AZ Foothills, 2020
Stacie J, Stephenson, DC, is known for many things, including being a recognized physician and lecturer on regenerative, functional and natural medicine; champion of holistic, patient-centered care; and philanthropic force behind a wide range of charitable causes…
The first step in your vibrancy journey
Read the latest from Dr. Stephenson as she translates the newest research into understandable and actionable information you can put into practice now.